Sunday, February 3, 2013

Luckenbach has OFFICIAL Colors!

The Luckenbach Council of Irregulars met behind the store in regular sessions for the purpose of selecting the official town color(s).  A heated discussion of the possibilities took up most of the afternoon.

Long John - nominated mauve and purple

Tom Bell - recovering from several broken bones, nominated black and blue.

Al, the painter - voted for off-white

Sheriff Marge - shouted out the window that the color should be "dust" to save work.

Dylan - nominated burnt orange and maroon but withdrew his suggestion when it was pointed out that these colors sometimes clash.

Linda - voted Blonde

The Biker Caucus - voted black and chrome

It looked like there would be a tie vote between mauve and purple and black and chrome until Bad McFad saved the day with his suggestion.

By a majority vote of the Council of Irregulars, the official color of Luckenbach Texas is clear.

- Excerpt from the Luckenbach Moon. Vol 1 - # 2, March 1994